China Percussions in one Package
China Percussion is a complete collection of most Chinese percussion instruments, including BianZhong (Chinese Chime Bells), Chinese Gong, Chinese Drums, Cymbals, Qing and a percussion set for Beijing Opera.
Bianzhong is an ancient Chinese musical instrument consisting of a set of bronze bells, played melodically. China is the earliest country to manufacture and use musical chimes. They are also called Chime Bells.These sets of chime bells were used as polyphonic musical instruments and some of these bells have been dated at between 2,000 to 3,600 years old. They were hung in a wooden frame and struck with a mallet. Using a wooden hammer and a rod to beat the bronze bell can make different pitch. Along with the stone chimes called bianqing, they were an important instrument in China’s ritual and court music going back to ancient times.
In Chinese music, there are many different percussion instruments, we carefully recorded most of them, including Qing, Bo, Kuaiban, Bang, Muyu, Drums, Cymbals and Bells.
A gong is an East and Southeast Asian musical percussion instrument that takes the form of a flat, circular metal disc which is hit with a mallet.
Percussion also plays an important role in Beijing Opera so we carefully prepare a set of percussion for traditional Beijing Opera. We also recorded the real performance and made them into loop so it can be quickly used in musician’s project.
Deep Sampled with Highest Quality, then applied modeling technology
This deeply sampled 5GB Library is the most detailed sampled Chinese Percussion Sets ever. And by using the latest hybrid modeling technology, it can also represent more vivid sound than other sampled instrument. The playability from modeling technology enables it to change timbre real time during playing, and this gives the sound more varieties and expressive than sampled instrument.
Modelling can do the things that sampling technology can not
You can start legato or glissando anytime you want, on any technique it has, not limited to the patch that has sampled legato. Also, you can change timbre in real times as a modeled instrument. With modeling technology, you can get an instrument that sound keeps changing, not the fixed or dead as a sampled instrument. In audio demos, you can clearly hear how the instrument changes through time; give the sound unlimited possibilities and varieties.
Ensure Best Sound Quality
To ensure the maximum accuracy and musicality in the reproduction of this complex and beautiful sound, we invited the virtuoso from the prestigious China National Orchestra in Beijing to record their wide variety of sounds. And we choose the studio with best recording gears to ensure the highest sound quality.